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ГИА Test 6 Молодежная мода

Test 6

Молодежная мода

Раздел 2. (задания по чтению)



Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами А–G . Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.








  1. A nice shop with a lot of goods and space
  2. The way you dress is the way you are perceived
  3. Foot tips for young men
  4. Famous and fashionable
  5. The young do not care
  6. Some accessories are always important
  7. Be bright in your choice
  8. Fashion comes first

A.     Youth: so full of arrogance, lust for life, the understanding of mortality overwritten by the feeling of freedom. No matter how much you try and lock youth up, it will always strain against the cage’s wires, desperate to be free, searching for some way to fearlessly experiment with life in the process of finding itself. So Lock the Kids Up Safe Tonight by Marta Streng is filled with that raw passion and sense of adventure. It doesn’t matter if you get dirty, drenched, if your feet are bare and you’re out late with no way of getting home. Not caring is the beauty of it.

B.     I’ve been going to Fashion Young for a while now; I want to say that this is probably considered one of the most popular cheap clothing boutique here in the area. Every single time that I decide to come here, I never leave empty handed. A few stores down from Target, this place is filled with clothes. There are racks and racks and racks just tightly filled with tops, dresses, pants, jackets just inches from one another, with just enough space for a single person to walk through in between the clothing.

C.     Jeans in every shade! Colored BDG jeans are everywhere right now. Cobalt blue, mustard yellow, fire truck red, you name it. They’re pretty easy to wear too: just throw them on and your outfit is automatically brought to life! It’s usually good to wear them with shoes that are more muted in color, so there’s not too much going on. Take this cool cobalt blue color for example: they look great with camel colored shoes.
That said, it doesn’t mean you can’t use wild prints to your advantage with colorful jeans! Maybe you wouldn’t wear a blue striped shirt because it’d be too matchy, but a black and white polka dot top?

D.     There’s a comforting feeling I get whenever I think about scarves. It’s nice to know that you can always put a scarf on to further your artistic expression, and add a dash of extra layers to your outfit. It’s also nice to have so many different scarf patterns. You could have a differently patterned scarf for every day of the week, or you could keep re-wearing your old favorite. No matter, here are a few scarf patterns and what they say about you, or what they say about how you’re feeling on any given day!

  1. Stars often go short for major movie roles. Anne Hathaway recently chopped her locks for the film adaptation of Les Miserables, and Dakota Fanning’s short do was just a temporary fix for a new flick. Usually, though, celebs opt for pixies because they’re ridiculously chic - and totally simple to style. Emma Watson famously shorn her strands when she wrapped up the last Harry Potter movie, and Rihanna often goes back to a boyish cut because of its simplicity.

F.      Starting from the ground up, appropriate-fitting footwear is the first step to dressing sharp.  A traditional school of thought that’s still alive and well claims you can judge a man by his shoes.  If you’ve never owned really good shoes before, brace yourself and get ready to pay a significant amount of money for well-made, classic footwear.  You may be shocked at the sticker price for well-crafted shoes, but the quality and comfort pay dividends down the road.  A good pair of dress shoes will last you years and stay good-looking with nothing more than some light cleaning and the occasional shine.  Quality leather footwear isn’t a luxury for the excessively rich - it’s a necessity for any young man.

G.     If you’re still wearing clothes that scream "student days” you’re going to be treated like a boy with no experience in the real world.  Buck the trend, age your look a little, and get the respect you deserve from older men.  That means raiding your wardrobe and getting rid of the majority of your ultra-casual clothes:  T-shirts, cargo pants, jean shorts, sweatshirts and sweatpants, baseball hats, and athletics.  Save a few for yardwork and exercise — but donate the rest of it to charity and start replacing it with dressier clothes that speak to your maturity.


















Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А7–А14 соответствуют содержанию текста (1–True), какие не соответствуют (2–False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основания текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3–Not stated).








Fashion Students Spill Their Secrets


Carissa Stastny set foot in Nanette Lepore’s store, she knew she wanted to work for the ultra-feminine designer. Little did the Colorado State University student know, one day she’d hold multiple positions with the brand and she’d even tie the knot in a Nanette Lepore wedding dress. But for Stastny, 28, securing a position at Nanette Lepore was anything but easy.

After studying Design and Merchandising at Colorado State University, Stastny knew that if she wanted to pursue a career in fashion, an internship was a must. "My only internship was with Nanette. She was the only one I applied for,” she confesses. "But I did work for a company, Ollie Sang, in Denver. I worked there while I was waiting to hear from Nanette. It was more volunteering than an internship. They literally worked out of their living room. As someone who had the goal of owning my own company one day, it was cool to see someone doing it.”

Stastny soon heard back from Nanette Lepore, which meant one thing: she’d have to pack up and move from Colorado to the fashion capital of the world, New York City. It was "scary, really scary,” she says, "but there was also a sense of excitement.” From January until May, Stastny lived in the New Yorker hotel ("which was literally across from the design office,” she says) as she cut her teeth as an intern.

As her internship came to an end, Stastny flew back to Colorado for graduation. "I loved the company and the city, so I was sad to leave. About a week after I got home I was eager to come back. I had left my resume and some of my senior portfolio work with Nanette but never heard anything,” she says. Not to be deterred, Stastny reached out to her internship supervisor. "She told me Nanette would need to see a portfolio to get the ball rolling on being hired. So, I put together a portfolio and sent it to New York. I waited and heard nothing.”

Frustrated and eager to get back to New York City, Stastny reached out again to her supervisor. "I called back and she said Nanette didn’t see enough ‘Nanette’ quality in my portfolio and that it didn’t seem strong enough.” Instead of getting discouraged, Stastny got creative. "If at first you don’t succeed, try again!” she says as she reminisces about sending in a second portfolio, "I still heard nothing.”

That’s when Stastny’s out-of-the-box thinking came into play. "About a week later, I sent a floral printed box with a vintage shoe inside. The shoe had a note tied to it that read, ‘Just trying to get my foot in the door.’” But unfortunately, it didn’t warrant the response she had hoped, "Crickets. No response!” Stastny wasn’t ready to give up just yet. She had excelled during her internship and knew that she’d make a great addition to the team. "[A week later] I sent the other shoe in a smiley-face printed box that said, ‘We aren’t a pair without the other.’ So cheese-ball but it worked! Nanette called me and I came in for an interview.” So never give up.


A 7          Carissa Stastny had an intention to work for a very famous designer.

                1) True                    2) False                       3) Not stated


A 8          Carissa Stastny didn’t have any working experience before.

                1) True                    2) False                       3) Not stated


A 9          Carissa Stastny was afraid to move to NY to alone without her family.

                1) True                    2) False                       3) Not stated


A 10        Carissa Stastny had a luxury living in the New Yorker hotel.

                1) True                    2) False                       3) Not stated


A 11       Carissa Stastny was eager to move back to her native town.

               1) True                     2) False                       3) Not stated


A 12       Carissa Stastny received the job immediately after the internship.

               1) True                     2) False                       3) Not stated


A 13       Nannete didn’t enjoy the clothing in Carissa’s portfolio.

               1) True                     2) False                       3) Not stated


A 14       Carissa Stastny made a trick with the shoes and it worked.

               1) True                     2) False                       3) Not stated


Раздел 3. (задания по грамматике и лексике)

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами. В4В12 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию В4В12.








В4 В5
















                                             My high school boyfriend ______,

"you ____ to prom with me?” in rose petals on my bedroom floor. I still have pictures and, believe it or not, the rose petals. I went to four proms and wore everything from cream silk (big mistake) to black velvet (bigger mistake), but I _________ by movies: they told me how cool the night ______ be, how cool it should be. The dress, the hair, the music, the limo, the theme There’s a reason that prom is such a repeated trope in pop culture. It matters.  "It’s the _______ moment when who you were for four years of high school - it ends right there,” says Aimee Teegarden, star of ________ Prom, this spring’s addition to the canon that _____ a group of teens prepping for the big event. In real life, Aimee’s boyfriend created a scavenger hunt _______ her to be his date. "I wore a turquoise dress with spaghetti straps that I got for, like, $30,” she says. "His parents had a Suburban, and he played chauffeur. We watched Chappelle’s Show and then went _________.” 



















Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В13–В18 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию В12В18.





















This week’s Beauty Battle features two gorgeous rising stars: songstress Rita Ora and _______ Lily Collins. Though the two have very different styles, they happened to sport similar ______ looks to two NYC events celebrating the same brand -renown French jewelry house Cartier. Rita performed at the brand’s Juste Un Clou party while Lily attended their exhibit ______ earlier that same evening. Both of them had us enraptured with their _______ bold makeup!
Rita played up the sultry factor with striking, subtly ______ eyes, superlong lashes, and polished brows. Her matte bright pink lips colorfully complemented her long black dress. Lily’s eyes were also accentuated with black _______ and full, feathery lashes. Those famous eyebrows of hers were ultra-groomed (and gorgeous!), of course, and she chose a dark cherry matte lip.














Раздел 4 (задания по письму)



Для ответа на задание С1 используйте бланк №2.

При выполнении задания С1 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным на бланке №2. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма письма. Письма недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объём – не оцениваются.












You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Percy.


…I was reading the TeenVogue and found a quiz whether I’m a tomboy or a glamour girl. I’ve always thought that such quizzes aren’t true but so intriguing…


By the way I am going to Rome this summer. It’ll be the most exciting holiday in my life. What should I wear? What is in fashion this season? Shall I consult any designer?











White a letter to him and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.






Раздел 2

Задание В3

8 – extra


















Задание А7А14

A7 – 1; A8 – 2; A9 – 3; A10 – 2; A11 – 2; A12 – 2; A13 – 1; A14 – 1.


Раздел 3

Задание В4-В12

B4 – wrote; B5 – will you go; B6 – was guided; B7 – could; B8 – most special; B9 – Disney’s; B10 – shows; B11 – to ask; B12 – stargazing


Задания В13-В18

B13 – actress; B14 – beautiful; B15 – opening; B16 – glamorously; B17 – smoky; B18 – liner.


Раздел 4

Задание С1


Dear Percy,

I’m happy to receive a letter from you. I hope everything’s all right. I also like such quizzes and I very often do them. I wouldn’t say I believe everything they say there but I always enjoy if the results of the tests are favourable.


As for your holiday in Rome it may be a chance for you to get acquainted with an Italian dandy. You may check a couple of magazines to see what is in fashion especially in Italy. Countries differ, you know, even in styles they wear there. But do not forget about your own individuality.


See you soon,



Источник: http://www.prosv.ru/umk/spotlight/info.aspx?ob_no=30507
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